The Point of Purpose


[image via Pinterest]

The point of purpose is that it points you in a direction.

When you don’t have purpose your bearings are all wrong. You have no idea what is the right direction, the wrong direction, your north to your south or your east to your west. More than having no idea about where the directions are, you simply don’t even know where it is you want to go.

And when you don’t have purpose, you don’t have a need to discover and find out where it is that your life is going… Because there’s no point or purpose to.

See, hope seeks purpose, and purpose seeks motivation, and motivation seeks action.

When you have a hope for your future you have a purpose to do stuff. Hope gives you a vision, purpose points you in the right direction, motivation is the attitude to get going with the steps, and action is the hard work it takes for you actually get there. If you lose one of these, you become stuck.

That’s why hope is important and is a common theme on this space.

But hope is nothing without purpose.

The great thing about having hope is that it gets you looking forward and up.

The great thing about purpose is that it at least points you in a direction. Any direction is good because to get somewhere, anywhere, you at least need to be pointing a direction, rather than down at your feet. Once you get moving, it’s easier to make changes to your path and adapt along the way.

And when hope and purpose are united together, inseparable to the core, beautiful things are made of our lives.

Purpose is the backbone to your greatest dreams, desires, and hopes. It fuels your motivation and not only gives you that little shove you need to get moving.

In Greek, the word for purpose is telos; which means an end, purpose, or goal.

Purpose doesn’t just see the end or goal, but it sees the why behind the what. That’s what makes it so vital. It sees the impact it will have on people, the seeds of influence it will sow, the immediate responses, and the chain reactions you may never know about from people you’ll never meet. It sees beyond yourself and into the legacy created from it.

The best kind of purpose is a selfish-selfless purpose. One that knows they’re the exact person created for the job and that it’s benefit and purpose has nothing to do with them, but everything to do with what it will bring to others.

And it all starts when you point yourself in a direction. Start walking and you’ll find the right path.