Today Is The Best Time To Plant An Oak Tree


A young man once asked a wise old woman, “When is the best time to plant an oak tree?” She answered: “Twenty years ago.” He then asked, “When is the second best time?” She answered, ”Today.”

Today is always the best time.

We’re 7 days into 2013 + the ground is waiting to see what we’ll invest into it that it may flourish this coming year.

We all have regrets of some kind. We all wish we could have done something different in the previous year. But the beautiful thing about life is that we don’t need to wait to change – we can begin right now.

Sometimes we look at the big things people have + the multiplication they’re seeing in their life, but we neglect to realise that the seeds we’re holding in our hands are the exact same as what they had to begin with… the difference between them + you? They decided to do something about it.

And so, this year I’m simplifying life a little + reorganising my priorities to make room, give my life more purpose, + grow an oak tree.

// Why an oak tree?

The oak tree is a symbol of strength + endurance. They are incredibly tall (between 50-70 feet) + as they age their trunk continues to grow to between 8-10 feet wide. They grow slow though, making it easy to underestimate its future significance when in its infancy stage.

They are one of the best trees to find shade under because of how magnificent it is in size, + it produces thousands of acorns throughout its 200+ year life span.

Simplified: grow slow / are strong / last for generations / provide shelter + shade / produce infinite amounts of food + seed

In my life, I hope to plant something that produces shelter, countless seed, + is strong + enduring through the seasons + generations to come. But more than planting something, I hope to become that : be a shelter for people, multiplying what I have, a source of provision for people, creating something for the generations, + not being shaken by the seasons.

2013 is not just going to be a year of purpose, but a time where each day is purposeful.

And so, I’ve decided to do three things every day:

1. Read – my Bible + a book (exercise my mind + spirit) | 2. Walk/Run (exercise my body + mind) | 3. Write (exercise my talent + skill)

In light of that, other things don’t nearly seem as important when you think about it’s benefits in the days, months, + years to come…

// What are you going to do to?