I Am A Princess – Disney Inspiration

Growing up I never wanted to be a Disney Princess.

In fact, I can barely remember the details of each of the tales. Sailor Moon + the pink Power Ranger were the girls that caught my imagination + heart.

Over recent years however, I’ve begun to love the whole ‘Princess’ scene, paired with anything pink, glittery, + pretty. And, I’ve always believed that all girls are princesses. Sure, it’s absolutely corny… but it’s true – girls are invaluable with exquisite worth + unique beauty.

Not too long ago someone showed me the Disney’s ‘I Am A Princess’ video. Watch it above. Read the words below.

“I am a princess. 

I am brave sometimes | I am scared sometimes | Sometimes I am brave even when I’m scared.

I believe in loyalty and trust | I believe loyalty is built on trust.

I try to be kind | I try to be generous | I am kind even when others are not so generous. 

I am a princess.

I think standing up for myself is important | I think standing up for others is more important | But standing with others is more important. 

I am a princess.

I believe compassion makes me strong | Kindness is power | And family is the tightest bond of all.

I have heard I am beautiful. | I know I am strong.

I am a princess.

Long may I reign.”

– Disney

What I love + adore most about this is that Disney is redefining ‘Princess’. The girls represented in the video are all girls the majority of us can relate to. It’s inspirational, true, well-written, the story is seamless + powerful.

Putting a modern twist on it, it promotes qualities of being brave, kind, generous, standing up for others, + knowing that they are strong + beautiful.

Because really… what girl doesn’t want to be those things?

I sure do.

And I hope when I have daughters one day they want to be a princess in that way – being esteemed, esteeming themselves, + esteeming others.

// what qualities do you think “princesses” should have?

  • anna znachko

    They are courageous to be true to themselves and fight gracefully rather than run at the slightest threat or fear.

    • http://bybethanyjae.com/ Bethany Morris

      This is great + so true, Anna! Love it x